DA rates table pdf

DA rates table pdf has been displayed the rate of Dearness Allowance from 1986 to 2022. You have to know the Basic of Dearness Allowance (DA), Rate of Dearness Allowance with calculation and regulation of DA.

DA rates table pdf

Basis of DA.

With effect from 01-01-2006, Dearness Allowance is granted to compensate the price increase above [115.76 Points (Base Year 2001 = 100)], to which the revised pay scales relate. This will be sanctioned twice a year, payable from 1st January and 1st July, reckoned on the following basis:-

  • The twelve monthly average price index above 115.76 Points is determined twice in a year for the period ending December and June.
  • The percentage increase is taken in whole numbers only and the fraction ignoed.
  • Neutralization will be 100% uniformly for all employees.

DA rates table pdf.-

Calculation of DA.-

(i) DA is paid on the Baisc Pay as defined in FR 9(21) (a)(i) + NPA, if any. (Pensonal Pay, Special Pay, etc., not included).

(ii) Fractions of 50 paise and above to be rounded off to the next higher rupee and less than 50 paise ignored.

(iii) For part of month, rate of DA to be applied on the rate of paaay plus NPA and then DA for the number of days calculated.

(iv) In the case of daily-rated worker,monthly pay reckond at 26 times his basic daily wages. Hence for part of a month,calculation of DA will be on monthly pay ÷ 26x number of days.

Regulation of DA.-

(1) During Leave.-

DA is paid on the element of basic Pay plus NPA forming part of leave salary. During “Leave Preparatory to Retirement”, DA is admissible for the first 300 days of leave spent in India. DA is not admissible during extraordinary leave or for any period of leave preparatory to retirement spent outside India.

(2) During JOining Time.-

BAsed on joining time pay.

(3) During Suspension.-

Based on the Subsistence Allowance.

(4) During deputation abroad.-

(a) For deputation in any one country, DA may be paid for the first six months at the rate at which it would have been drawn, had the official not gone on deputation.

(b) For stay in more than one country, DA will be drawn at the above rate in respect of stay in each country.

(c) On deputation for training under officially sponsored training schemes, DA will be drawn for the period of stay in one or more countries at the rate admissible, had the official not proceeded on deputation.

(d) DA will not be admissible to officers posted ex-india to special posts, e.g., Consular posts abrad, if allowed to draw foreign allowance instead of daily allowance at aplit or all-inclusive rates.

DA During Foreign service.-

Subject to the terms of appointment, DA admissible on the basis of pay in foreign service.

DA to re-employed pensioners.-

Re-employed pensioners allowed to draw pension in addition to pay will be eligible for DA as under-

  • For officers whose pay in civil post is fixed without taking into account his entire pension, the DA will be based on the pay actually drawn.
  • For officers whose pay in civil post is fixed after taking into account portion/ full pension, the DA will be based n pay plus such pension taken into account for pay fixation. If pay plus pension exceeds the maximum pay of the post, the DA will be based on that maximum.
  • For officers on leave, the DA will be based on the leave salary plus non-ignorable poart of pension.
  • “Pension” will be the uncommuted value of pension.

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