Study Leave latest Rules

Study Leave rules for Govt Employees describes the totally details of Study Leave. Who is eligible for Study Leave?, Is Study Leave paid? and etc. that question asked from google based on Study Leave has answered in it.

Study Leave latest Rules

Study Leave rules :-

1. Granted to Government servants with not less than five years service for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to improve his ability as a civil servant.

2. Sanctioning authority. – Ministry/ Department of the Central Government/Administrator/Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.

3. Course should be certified to be of definite advantage to Government from the point of view of public interest.

4. The particular study or study tour should be approved by the authority competent to grant leave.

5. The official on his return should submit a full report on the work done during study leave.

6. Not granted. –

(a) for studies out of India if facilities for such studies exist in India.

(b) to an official due to retire within three years (five years in case of CHS officers granted 36 months’ study leave) of return form the study leave.

(c) to same official with such frequency as to remove him from contact with his regular work or cause cadre difficulties owing to his absence on leave.

7. The official should have satisfactorily completed period of probation and rendered not less than five years of regular continuous service including the period of probation.

8. Maximum period is 36 months for CHS Officers and 24 months for others in the entire service and may be granted at a stretch or in different spells.

9. This will not be debited to the leave account. May be combined with any other leave due, but maximum period of continuous absence, including vacation, if any, but excluding extraordinary leave, should not exceed 28 months generally, and 36 months for study leading to Ph.D. degree.

10. Requisite Bonds in the prescribed forms are required to be executed by the official.

11. Before grant of leave outside India, Finace Ministry’s agreement for release of foreign exchange is necessary.

12. If the course falls short of the study leave, the official should resume duty on conclusion of the course; or the excess period may be treated as ordinary leave with the leave sanctioning authority’s prior approval.

13. Leave Salary – (a) Outside India : Pay last drawn plus Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance; (b) In India: Leave salary will be equal to pay last drawn plus Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance. No Study Allowance admissible. Stipend, scholarship or remuneration for any part-time employment during the period of study leave should be adjusted against the leave salary subject to the condition that the leave salary will not be less than that admissible during half pay leave.

14. Officials granted study leave shall not be paid T.A. but president may sanction T.A. in exceptional cases.

15. Cost of fees paid for study shall ordinarily be met by the Government servant; but in exceptional cases the President may sanction the grant of such fees. In no case the cost of fees will be paid, if he is in receipt of scholarship or stipent from whatever source or if he is permitted to receive or retain, in addition to his leave salary, any remuneration in respect of part-time employment.

Fellowships offered by the following institutions are eligible for Study Leave –

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowship.

(b) K.K. Birla Foundation.

(c) Indian Institutes of Management.

(d) Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

(e) Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences.

Study Leave rules Terms :

1. Study leave will be granted for the entire period of fellowship.

2. The official will be entitled to the benefits under the fellowship in addition to leave salary equal to pay last drawn and Dearness Allowance appropriate to the leave salary. No other allowance is admissible.

3. Where considered necessary, the official may be allowed to retain the officially allotted residential telephone but must pay the bills for the rental and call charges.

Resignation or retirement after study leave or not completing the course of study. – An official, who after availing of study leave resigns from service or otherwise quits within three years after return to duty or does so without returning to duty at all from study leave, or fails to complete the course of study, should refund (i) the actual amount of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, T.A., and other expenses, if any, incurred by the Government, and (2) the actual amount, if any, of the cost incurred by other agencies such as Foreign Governments, Foundations, Trusts in connection with the course of study, with interest thereon at the prescribed rates. In exceptional cases, the President may waive or reduce such recoveries.

Study Leave to CHS Officers. – CHS Officers will be granted permission/study leave for pursuing PG Degree/ Diploma/ DNB Courses conducted by National Board of Examinations as well, though may not be recognized by the Government of India at the recommendations of Medical Council of India, subject to the condition that PG allowance shall be granted only for possession of PG degree/ Diploma/ DNB qualifications which are recognized by Medical Council of India.

Questions based on study leave rules that are asked from Google :-

Q1. Who is eligible for study leave?

Ans. Granted to Government servants with not less than five years service for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to improve his ability as a civil servant.

Q2. Is study leave counted as continuous service?

Ans. Yes

Q3. Is study leave paid?

Ans. (a) Outside India : Pay last drawn plus Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance; (b) In India: Leave salary will be equal to pay last drawn plus Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance. No Study Allowance admissible.

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